Back in late November I headed to Melbourne for an NLS4 Meeting and we had some exciting news - the venue has been confirmed. This is the announcement email sent by Andrew (and let me just say that I love the venue and think it is perfect for a NLS4 crowd - very funky):
The NLS4 Committee are incredibly excited to announce the venue for the 4th ALIA New Librarians Symposium - Citiclub on Queen.
CQ is a delightfully modern venue, located in the heart of Melbourne's CBD, and easily accessible by public transport. A stone's throw from all of Melbourne's major attractions, it is the perfect place to be in December 2008.
The CQ Functions centre provides ample space to accommodate concurrent sessions, with state-of-the-art presentation technology, so that we can truly break through those MS-Powerpoint barriers! Furthermore, the function space contains its own bar, if you need a little Dutch courage to spur you into networking with the industry's movers and shakers.
CQ also provides a range of comfortable inner-city hotel accommodation - details of accommodation deals for conference delegates will be confirmed as we draw closer to the event.
We're sure you'll be as excited as we are about this venue.