Monday, April 28, 2008
NLS4 Meetings
March 25th dinner venue visits and a public holiday for me!
March 29th meeting
April 19th meeting
It will be here before we know it and it looks set to be a wonderful conference.
Book: My Brother's Keeper

Book and bookclub: The Don’s

Book: The Big Year

Book: The Appeal

Kevin Hennah
Sydenham – great photos – nice looking library
Raeco – Library solutions catalogue
Loose the ugly bits
Make the most out of existing resources
Select a colour palate – work with what you cannot change
Create uniformity of style – pull it through
Nice colours: charcoal, ashwood (light pine), karkey
Join/As/Borrow instead of circulation
Don’t need the top shelf
Can mix colours to match logos ie. blue/white/yellow/orange
James Richardson – chairs – in Abbotsford
Presence (the outside)
Interior design
Need more signage before you enter the library
Nothing matches ie. furniture, different fonts etc.
Green – no go – very little places to go with
Health Matters – do this fortnightly – Library News
Meet the needs of customers not staff (ie. photocopiers convenient for them, not us)
Welcome to the WR GRIFFITHS LIBRARY (mounted off the outside wall)
Information, ideas, inspiration – your library
Vinyl lettering stuck on glass (Norma’s office)
When you walk in again state name and
Have a solution not just a problem
Sign writer can drop the artwork onto your photos
80% of loans generated by 20% of the collection
New Titles – Returned Today – What’s Hot – doorway openers
Quick choice (little stands on tables)
Use aisle ends – slat wall (asionline) raeco. Qls
You can put books, catalogues (flat screens) etc.
Think about number of slats and their positioning
Signs – all uniform – BHS template – use letterhead (graphic designer)
In non-fiction have more signs ie. Psychiatry, O&G, Nursing, General Medicine etc. like in Borders
Mei + Picchi
The shop for shops – Fitzroy
Suction caps to hang signs – neat finish – no sticky tape marks
Book and bookclub: Rachel’s Holiday

Book: Danny Wallace and the Centre of the Universe
Leap into leadership
On my extra day in February (the 29th) I headed to the State Library of Victoria for a workshop organised by ALIA Vic and a group of former Aurorians. The workshop was intended to be an experiential introduction to a range of perspectives of leadership.
So did I get much out of it? Yes and no! For me the most beneficial part was listening to a panel of experienced industry leaders. Notes from the leaders:
Craig Anderson
Your skills come from within
Ethics continually bought into practice
Patti Manolis
All experiences are fodder for learning
It’s ok not to know everything – keep learning
Develop confidence
Feel the fear and do it anyway
Leaders say sorry – we are all grown ups – take responsibility!
Janette Wright
Continually learn
To be a leader you need followers
And…you have to have been a follower to be a leader
Mentoring – get one
Mistakes is essential for learning
Ask lots of questions
Listen first then express your viewpoint
Network and build a social support system – ask for help when needed
It’s ok to be vulnerable
Cultivate originality and creativity
So it was a good day – interesting. The bonus was that I then sort of overcame one of my fears by speaking in public. At the very end of the day I gave a spiel about NLS4. I was very nervous but it was a small step for me on my way to becoming a leader.