Thursday, July 31, 2008
Book: Glitz

NLS4 Meeting
On the Saturday morning I was up early and headed back into the city for an NLS4 meeting. It was a great meeting as everything is starting to "fall into place". It really will be a superb event. There is still so much to do (so I want time to slow) but it will be so exciting so at the same time I want it to speed up and arrive. Plus, we also had a new edition to the team. Jill had a baby boy two weeks ago (Ronan Baker Stephens) and I went and visited him at the hospital and he is gorgeous. Congrats to our beautiful Jill and welcome along for the ride Ronan!
HLI Dinner (Life Membership Award)
On Friday July 25th I did head to Melbourne for the HLI Life Membership Award. Kerry Johannes, was the recipient of the 2008 Award. Kerry has contributed in many ways to the development of the Victorian Health Library Sector and to both ALIA and HLI during her lengthy career in Libraries. It was great to hear the citation because as I am relatively "new" to libraries you come to hear about the industry and those who contributed to it before my time. Not to forget of course that the dinner was deliciously and the company superb!
ALIA Rural and Regional NAC Teleconference
On July 16th I participated in the ALIA Rural and Regional NAC Teleconference. It was great to be able to dial into an ALIA meeting rather than having to trek up and down that highway (which I just can't face these days).
The meeting focused on the future of Professional Development and it was great to have a discussion with those that are in similar situations. ie. NOT in capital cities. I mean PD can be really expensive as is, not to mention the costs of travel, accommodation etc. Anyway, Jan who chaired the teleconference asked who was in the PD Scheme etc. and those who were got a prize. A week later in the mail I received one of those cool memory sticks that are bracelets. It was worth dialling in just for that!!
Anyway, it was nice to "meet" Jan as she is ALIA VP and she lives in a regional area so she knew where we were coming from. It will be interesting to see what comes of the discussions around the country.

Book: Alek

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Book: Chapatti or Chips

I also read this on holidays in NZ but never realised the author lived and set the books in Milton Keynes in the UK, just down the road from where I was born (so you know I liked it even more!). Basically a chick lit book based on an Indian girl who has a arranged marriage organised. She however, falls for the white Biritsh incorragible womaniser Dave. Just like a Mills and Boon romance he comes in just before she is to be married and sweeps her off her feet. Yes, you could easily read the plot from page one but I still loved it!
Book: Desert Flower

I read this book whilst on holidays in New Zealand. One of those that has been very well received by the public, lots of publicity etc. but just one I had never got around to reading. It was brilliant. Waris Dirie's life story, from her childhood as a desert nomad in Somalia to the start of her career as a supermodel in England, provides a great deal of cultural insight. Her strength of conviction, faith in a higher power, and courage in the face of great danger are truly inspiring. This is a very frankly written, often disturbing account meant to spread awareness of the dangerous but all-too-common cultural practice of female genital mutilation. Just a great heart wrenching read. Her story since continues in more books that have been published since which I need to read now!
Book: Return to the High Country
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