Thursday, January 22, 2009
Book: The Charmer

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Book: Blueback

Young Abel and his mother, Dora, lead a peaceful, idyllic life by the sea in Western Australia. They live off the land and sea, taking no more than they need to survive, carefully husbanding the natural resources at their disposal. Abel's best friend is an enormous fish named Blueback. Time passes, Abel grows up, and he and his mother find it harder to protect Blueback and their "Robbers Bay" from unscrupulous fishermen and developers.
Book: The Pact - three young men make a promise and fulfill a dream

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Book: Random Acts of Kindness

In his bestselling book Join Me, Danny Wallace instructs his legions of followers to perform a 'Random Act of Kindness' every Friday. As a result, his thousands of followers (dubbed the Karma Army), without warning, made people happier the length and breadth of the country. Now in Random Acts of Kindness Danny and the gang bring you a hilarious, well-meaning book to encourage you to perform Random Acts of your own. 'Now, at last, the secret to a happier world! You have the power to make it a nicer place! All over the planet, thousands of people just like you are performing Random Acts of Kindness for complete strangers- Buy an old lady a hat! Give a policeman a helium balloon! Pat a dog! Hand a stranger your umbrella! Applaud a lady who's clearly made an effort! This book contains 365 real Random Acts of Kindness real people have done for real strangers- so read it, learn it, and start making your world the nicer place, today!'
Ah - this was a cool little book. Now I have to read "Join Me" (which is in my bookcase) so that I can see where it all started from.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Book: Kaitlyn

Book: Frankie

Friday, January 09, 2009
HLI Conference

NLS4 Meetings
September 20th and November 15th. (October was a teleconferece).
Just blogging about it here so that come tax time I remember to claim the kilometres!!
Ballarat Library Industry Dinner
ALIA stuff
ALIA Vic LT - I have learnt so much from this group as it was my first foray into ALIA. Just a great bunch of people who I will miss. I was pleased to be able to stop Technotes, the groups newsletter as I think I had run out of steam.
ALIA Vic - this group was so different to the LT group for lots of reasons. I will miss the experience of group members the most and admire many of them for what they have achieved.
ALIA NGAC - I felt bad about pulling out of NGAC as I had just been reappointed for another term (sorry guys). I did however learn so much more about ALIA the Association and how the Board works etc. Good to see "the other side's" view. I won't miss those reports though!
The only thing I kept was NLS4 as we had been working towards this for over 2 years. I will blog more about them later.
The other subject however was crap! Marketing is very interesting but basically it was read the textbook and understand the concepts and remember the jargon for the exam. The lecturer knew a lot but it just wasn't as good as Accounting. I also got a Distinction for Marketing though so was very pleased with myself!
I definitely know that the MBA was the right course for me to pursue. It is a little MIA right now though! You see I started Business Economics in semester 2 but was really sick due to my pregnancy that I hadn't done any reading and was falling chapters and chapters behind. So I deferred for a year and had a great 6 months off at home letting bubs grow (plus working on NLS4). I have enrolled for semester 2 later in the year but I will just wait and see how I go at home with bubs and see what I feel like doing. So you may hear more about "Organisations, Behaviour, Structure and Processes" later in the year. If not, I am sure I will one day complete this course but it just may take me 10 years!
Book: The Know

I really do love Martina Cole. I know sometimes her writing isn't perfect and that stories and characters sometimes overlap between novels but I still love her work. There is nothing like a bit of East End London Gangster/Mafia crime to get me going! The Know was a little different from the other stuff of hers I have read because it actually all took place over 6 months or so. Often her books span decades so that was a nice change. Joanie Brewer and her children, Jon Jon(18), Jeanette(14) and Kira(11) live in a run-down London Council estate. The two eldest are accustomed to crime and little Kira is innocent perfection. Then Kira goes missing... This book deals with the worst life can offer - child abduction, paedophiles and murder. But it also shows how family life can be pushed apart and thrown back together. Just brilliant!
Book: Dewey - the small town library cat who touched the world

Dewey was a great book, not only because it was about a library but it was just one of those that pulls at the heart strings. When Spencer, Iowa, librarian Vicki Myron arrived at work that cold winter morning in 1988, she had no inkling that a small thing she would find in the overnight book drop would forever change her life and that of her whole community. That something was a tiny kitten, bedraggled and half frozen. Almost immediately, this unannounced critter won the hearts of the staff. They even named him Dewey Readmore Books. For the next 18 years, until he died in 2006, Dewey added his gentle, independent feline presence to a small library and the surrounding rural community. Am pretty sure I read somewhere that they are making a movie out of it so that should be interesting too!
Book: Rosewater and Soda Bread

Book: Glory Garage

Book: Three Wishes

Book: A Little Bush Maid

Book: Sari and Sins

Oh I do love a bit of chick lit. This one was a bit different from Nisha's usual. Two girls – the timid new Indian bride and the long-term secret girlfriend who slog it out for the favours of the same man. Yes there was arranged marriages and secret girlfriends but this time he ended up with the right chick. Just a trashy novel that offers escapism. Loved it!
Books: Mills & Boon
See what I mean...tragic. I had been really sick and the thought of reading a novel tired me out. However I got to a point where I needed something. So I did the unthinkable and read the only two Mills & Boon books in the house! (Thankfully there were no more). You may wonder why I had two in the first place. Well, Falling for Jack is by a local Ballarat author and I heard her speak once so had a copy of one of her books (and boy it was damn good - just what the doctor ordered! A country romance...) . The second I had because it was about a Librarian. The Notorious Groom married a small town librarian, yadda, yadda... But again, just what I needed. Now I don't want to dis those who read Mills & Boon because I really believe they have a place. I think I should try and hunt out some more because my reading habits may become tragic again once bub arrives!
I'm back....