Save Karyn reminded me of the Shopaholic books which I had yet to read. So I picked up the first one and couldn't put them down. I had number 2 also so read that, then texted my book nerd friends to see if they had number 3. I managed to get book 5 from Michelle (cheers babe) but was forced to go out and buy books 3 and 4 (Bookmooch would have been too slow). I raced through them loving them to bits!
The main character Becky Bloomwood is a financial journalist who is absolutely crap with her money and has massive amounts of debt (which no one knows about). All she does is shop - for clothes, shoes, handbags, makeup etc. Anyway, the first book sees her become a TV Financial journalist and she ends up with handsome PR mogul Luke Brandon. The second book sees her follow Luke to New York but the TV shows find out about all her debts and she loses her job but ends up as a personal shopper at Barneys. The third book sees her get married to Luke (twice - long story), the fourth sees her reunited with a sister she didn't know existed (but one who hates shops, consumerism etc.) and the fifth sees her pregnant and shopping for baby things. Apparently there is a sixth book underway.
I mean these are not the best written book ever, but they were awesome for escapism. Chick lit at its best. I love Becky even though at times I loathed her! Loved them. A great book bender!!