Once again I headed to Clunes for
Booktown. I was very restrained this year as I only bought about 7 or 8 books! I was lucky enough to hear a few talks but couldn't stay for them all as I only had the one day in Clunes this year. Here are my notes from the talks:
Begin a writing career, Stefan Laszczuk & Glenda GuestBoth - writing came from university course
Both - both acclaimed writers but say they still have no $
GG - Age in writing makes no difference, however life journeys and experiences can make a difference
SL - Writers are sometimes the quiet ones at parties listening into everyone else's conversations. Observing.
SL - Uni helped nurture his talent. Met other like minded people. However, thinks that you cannot necessarily teach creative writing. Uni provided structure, goals. ie. assignment x due on date y. Forced to come up with work instead of dreaming about it.
GG - Uni opened up other understandings of the world. Opportunities to meet authors, learn their craft etc. As she had a restricted childhood, uni was an eye-opener.
SL - Music sonata form - he adapted this to his novel aka "literary form". This idea was from his mother (a concert pianist).
SL - Really riled by bad reviews when they haven't read the book properly. However, have to remember that you write for yourself.
GG - In review process she listens to everything (doesn't do everything they say) but looks at the comments from the readers view.
Australian Book Publishing PanelWe are one of the top 5 reading nations of the world.
One of the highest literary rates.
Shelf life of a modern author is somewhere between the milk and yoghurt....
8,500 new books published in Australia each year.
Only 20 of books sold more than 100,000 copies in Australia last year.
Only 2 of those were Australian. The Slap, and breath (Tim Winton).
80% dominated by chain stores for sales.
60% of market through 5 publishers.
Challenging for the minority and for all with the changing environment.
E-books. Lots of issues. No Australian publications (as no one makes $), forced by Amazon, licensing issues.
10% of the Australian book market is owned by Amazon.
Malcolm FraserLiberal PM 1975-1983. Packed audience - standing room only.
Having a co-author gave added integrity to the book.
Co-author (Margaret Simons) did all the archival digging.
Many jokes - lots of laughter (but all about stuff from before my time).
From Wanon in Western Victoria.
Strong views on today's political leaders - bit at both parties regarding asylum seekers.
Has hindsight regrets but he acted on the information and resources he had at the time - therefore no regrets.
All in all I just love Booktown. Can't wait to go again next year!