Summary: Park, author of The Harp of the South and Poor Man's Orange (1948, 1949), here creates the early lives of Hugh Darcy and other familiar characters from those novels. First published in Australia in 1985, this book brings to life such vivid individuals as Hugh, the brawling, charming working man who is always putting off his marriage to Margaret Kilker just a little longer; Jer, his brother, the introspective and calculating cripple who manipulates everyone to protect his own interests; Margaret, the long-suffering sweetheart who will have Hugh and no one else though she doesn't know quite why. These turbulent children of Irish immigrants to Australia interact passionately in a novel that will please new readers as much as those already interested in the Darcy saga.
What I thought: really enjoyed. Please to be reading them in order. Now off to find Harp in the South :)