Friday, June 14, 2013

Graduation Day

On May the 7th I graduated at the University of Ballarat obtaining my MBA (Master of Business Administration). The course consisted of 10 subjects (I had two RPL's) in which I gained a Distinction in every subject. It took over 5 years to complete during which time I had two kids. I wasn't going to go to the graduation but decided I wanted to show my kids what you can achieve if you put your mind to it. Probably should have left Master 2 at home but Master 4 was great. He sat patiently, and when I was walking across the stage I saw him beaming at me and doing a massive wave. It was so sweet. He also loved wearing my cap! Now it's time to rest!


KatieTT said...

That is just brilliant. Congratulations!!

Lisa said...

Congrats again Gemma! Hearing about your son beaming at you gave me a little tear. Well done :-)