Monday, July 23, 2007

Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

WOW! Great book! However am so sad it's over.

I picked my copy up at 9:01am (I was fourth in line) then headed home holding it protectively!! We had to travel for an hour as Dan was working but when we got there, I jumped on the couch and read!! The book grabs you from the first pages as the action begins straight away. On Saturday I had to be a bit social and stuff then I had to go out for dinner so I only got through a few hundred pages.

However, on Sunday I did not get out of my pyjamas!! I stayed in them all day (except for a shower). I finished reading all 607 pages at 1:30am this morning. And it was great!! I won't tell you what happens but I was pleased with the ending. Yes there were deaths but this was neccessary as is any good story. I just loved how she incorporated all the little bits from the previous six books in this one blockbuster. I feel so sorry if you're not a Harry Potter fan - you don't know what you are missing out on.

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