Yes - it is almost that time. The new HP book is due out at 9:01am tomorrow morning. I will proudly be lining up at my local bookstore. I have been there for books 5 & 6 also and the atmosphere is great. I talk to complete strangers about what will happen in the new book, then the doors magically open and we all proceed in, buy our books, then disappear home to quietly contemplate Harry's life!! When I pre-ordered there was the option of the children's cover (above) or the adult cover. I am not ashamed to say that I want the kids one (it matches all my other ones after all!!). So who are those adults out there that are ashamed to say they read HP. Tssk, tssk to them!!
Tonight however I am off to my favourite Ballarat restaurant called Thai Fusion. My friend Karla is heading overseas for eight weeks so we thought it was a good excuse to all catch up - I am awfully jealous of her though! But after that, straight home for a good sleep in preparation for Harry tomorrow!!
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