Thursday, October 10, 2013

Book: The 4 hour work week

Summary: Timothy Ferriss is a serial entrepreneur. In addition to speaking six languages, Ferriss runs a multinational firm from wireless locations worldwide. His eclectic passions include being a world record holder in tango, a national champion in Chinese kickboxing and a guest lecturer at Princeton University.
In The 4-Hour Workweek, he explains that there is a new subculture of people in the world who have figured out that the 9-5 grindstone doesn’t really fire up their imaginations to any great degree. Instead, they organize their lives and follow a set of uncommon rules which typically allows them to work less than four hours a week but earn more in a month than most people do in a year.
These people are the "New Rich" (NR). They abandon the conventional deferred-life plan (work now and retire later) and instead develop their own signature lifestyles which utilize the currencies of the New Rich: time and mobility. The 4-Hour Workweek gives you four steps to follow which will take you from being deferred-life oriented to becoming part of the New Rich.

What I thought: There were some great points made in this book which I am trying to adopt but all in all I am not ready to make the drastic changes required in this book. I love my life and career so am happy to remain with the status quo.

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