Friday, December 14, 2007

NLS4: Venue Confirmed

Back in late November I headed to Melbourne for an NLS4 Meeting and we had some exciting news - the venue has been confirmed. This is the announcement email sent by Andrew (and let me just say that I love the venue and think it is perfect for a NLS4 crowd - very funky):
The NLS4 Committee are incredibly excited to announce the venue for the 4th ALIA New Librarians Symposium - Citiclub on Queen.

CQ is a delightfully modern venue, located in the heart of Melbourne's CBD, and easily accessible by public transport. A stone's throw from all of Melbourne's major attractions, it is the perfect place to be in December 2008.

The CQ Functions centre provides ample space to accommodate concurrent sessions, with state-of-the-art presentation technology, so that we can truly break through those MS-Powerpoint barriers! Furthermore, the function space contains its own bar, if you need a little Dutch courage to spur you into networking with the industry's movers and shakers.
CQ also provides a range of comfortable inner-city hotel accommodation - details of accommodation deals for conference delegates will be confirmed as we draw closer to the event.

For more information about the venue, check it out at:

We're sure you'll be as excited as we are about this venue.

Book: So many books, so little time

I don't know why but I love reading about books. I mean I have hundreds of books at home that I haven't read yet so why do I read about more books??? Hence my "To read" list keeps getting longer and longer and I think if I was locked up for ten years in my house I still wouldn't get through all the books I have to read! Anyway, I do love reading about books and thinking that I should "try that one" to push myself further. (In fact I have joined a bookgroup starting early next year so I should read some things I have never dreamed of). Anyway, this was a great book as it reminded me that so much of what I read can be related back to certain situations in my life and that books have helped to shape me and the person that I have become.

ALIA Victorian LT Christmas Dinner

Top: Me and Kim
Bottom: The steak! The food looked devine (not sure if it tasted all that good though)

Last Friday (the 7th) Kim and I headed down to the Melbourne Docklands to the James Squire Brewhouse for the Victorian Library Technician's End of Year Dinner. (BTW - Kim drove - how awesome!). Anyway it was a good night. I haven't really been to the Docklands but it was great looking at the multi-million dollar yachts from the restaurant! Anyway, we also managed to raise $82 for the Mobile Donkey fund too!

Friday, December 07, 2007

ALIA Vic End of Year Christmas Party

Last night I headed to Victoria University Learning Commons (aka Library) on Flinders Street. As you can see from the top image we were 15 floors up. What an awesome view! Don't know if I could work in a library like that as I would forever be staring out the window people watching! They had some great spaces though and one I definitely think I could incorporate into our new library (yeah - the one they keep promising!). Anyway it was a good night and you can see Michelle playing host to the very well dressed (LOL) Trevor and the lovely Alex.

ALIA Vic Specials End of Year Celebration

On Thursday 15th November I headed to the MCG for a tour of the MCC Library and Museum. What can I say but WOW! The staff did us this awesome newsletter which chronicled the history and showed photos of them moving and renovating. The library is open whenever there is an event on (like the Boxing Day Test, AFL etc.) They have 5 paid staff and 15 volunteers!
After the tour we headed into the members room for dinner and boy was that lush (I only ever sit in the cheap seats!) This was just a wonderful night, awesome tour, great people, and I won a prize! Check out Donna's blog for her thoughts (mainly about the food) and some more pictures!

Book: Jane Eyre

So my hubby was away and I was flicking channels and Jane Eyre had just started on the ABC. I watched it for a couple of minutes and thought - this looks good! So I quickly turned the telly off, went to my bookcase and pulled it off the shelf (I have hundreds of books which I am yet to read!). So I started Jane and boy was I hooked. Oh - what a wonderful story. Naturally it was a bit hard going with the language (and small print) but I chomped through it in about a week. I am so in love with it now. I also feel really good because I always say to myself that I should read one "classic" per year (hence when I am old will have got through lots of them!). So anyway I am on the "classics" brigade at the minute wondering what to pursue next!!

Book: Game, Set and Match

I picked this one up at an op shop too! Good book (but for 10 year olds - I thought it was for teenagers!). However, as it was a short read I read it anyway. One of those ones that teaches kids how to play fair and how to conduct yourself etc. Naturally the nasty girl was taught her lesson!

Book: Father Frank

I picked this one up while secondhand bookshopping and boy was it great. I loved it! Father Frank drives a taxi to raise money for the church and one day beautiful Sarah hopes into the back of his cab. The story goes from there...should he stay with the church...follow his feeling??? Just a wonderful read! Sort of like chick lit but not because it was from the boys perspective. Am now scrounging about for Paul Burke's other works!

Book: Rough Diamonds and Real Gems

I tend to love stories about the outback and country life so thought I would enjoy this one. It contains nine captivating stories about ordinary bush men and women who lead extraordinary lives. There's the island cattleman who swims his herd past toothy sharks and beady-eyed crocs; the pineapple grower who builds a stone church for his community; the timber worker who becomes a champion woodchopper; and a dairywoman who, at eighty-eight, is still rescuing birthing cows from the brink of death. Naturally some of the stories were great whilst others were a bit pointless. I definitely love those uplifting ones though where you are left to question what you have achieved in your own life?

Book: Odd One Out

This book was written exclusively for the Australian market and was offered as a freebie for the Booksalive campaign (but I picked it up at an op shop!) I have read lots of her other books but you could tell this was quickly thrown together. Typically story, where there is a sister who is left out of everything whilst her other siblings are famous artists etc. It was a nice little cute story though (only 150 pages) so you could whip through it in a few hours. Tended to lack the substance of her other books though and I didn't like the ending very much!!