Friday, June 14, 2013

Clunes Booktown Festival

Once again I headed over to Clunes for this years Booktown Festival. It is always held on the first weekend in May and this year was once again brilliant. On the Saturday I headed over by myself (bliss). I looked at books, at some yummy food and heard a great range of speakers (notes below).

On the Sunday I went over with the family for a few hours. This involved Master 4 having his face painted like Spiderman, a visit to the lolly shop, a horse and carriage ride and a trip down the rabbit hole into Alice in Wonderland where we had stories, singing and dancing. There was also the hay bale maze which the kids loved.  It is such a fabulous event and the fact that it's less than 20 minutes from my door is great :)

Collaboration - Gary Crew & Ross Watkins (illustrator)

RW. As illustrator don't want to disappoint.
RW. Mixed digital media. Had to strip back to basics as ideas overwhelmed
GC. In awe of illustrators.
GC. Sometimes words change as illustrations come forth but not this book.
Collaboration extends to publisher, audience etc.

Everyones a Critic - Peter Rose (ABR) & Kerryn Goldsworthy

Pay for book reviews hasn't increased in 15 years (except at ABR)
Can no longer do as a full time job
Declining. Some papers share the same content
Internet now prolific
Blog - ANZ lit lovers
Many writers are also critics
Constraints with published reviews - ie. word counts

Kate Grenville

Secret River began with phrase "he took up land" and it went from there.
Her non-fiction research became fiction to fill the gaps
Glance on Sydney Harbour with indigenous lady that triggered memory
22 drafts before editor saw it
Lots of research in library first (yah for libraries)
Fascinating research that goes behind all the books
Praised archivists
Excellent speaker

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