Friday, June 14, 2013

Health Libraries Inc. Training Day - May 17

On May 17th I headed to the State Library of Victoria for the HLI Training Day. I helped to organise the day so a big shout out to our sponsors Ebsco and MIMS for their support in making this event happen. You can see me above with Jeremy and the lovely Rachel from Ebsco who is helping both Jeremy and I with a pilot project about using Ebsco's A-Z to add our holdings to Google Scholar and Pubmed via Athens integration.  Also a big thanks to HLI for making the day happen, especially Jeremy for much of the organisation. Here are my notes from the day:

Systematic reviews - Helen Shipperlee

Great handouts with examples - refer to these.
Overview of how librarians can help and up until what point

Endnote - Danila Durante

OMG. There is now a free web version (though limited). Awesome!

Ebooks forum - Adam Clark and Aleks (Ebsco)

ECM - compatable with most devices - sign up for this
Bluefire Reader - free for iPad

Alfred - prefer outright purchase
Buys packages and individual purchases for high use

Admin dashboards - Kathryn Rough

Monthly featured mobile health apps
Medical librarians - ROI poster - where was this from?
Webcounter for website visits - free. Follow this up
USB's with library details on them
On CAB add training dates poster

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