Friday, June 08, 2012

I won a book!

So excited. Just got an email saying I won a copy of Jilted by Rachael Johns. I entered the competition through Cathryn Hein's blog. I already love Cathryn's books and if the blurb of Jilted is anything to go by I'm sure I'll love Rachael's books too. You all know how much I adore my rural romances so this has just made me so happy and cheery on a miserable Friday afternoon!

So what did I have to do? Just share my ideal breakfast. Here's what I wrote:

Mmm. Breakfast. Mine is similar to bacon and eggs but it our own take. It is affectionately known as steak and eggs. Marinated steak tips, fried eggs, home made chunky toast with lashings of butter, sautéed mushrooms and a home made hash brown. Delicious!


Lisa M said...

I have a book called "adam's Empire" you would probably enjoy Gem, let me know if you want to borrow it.

Gemma said...

Thanks Lisa. I have that in my bookshelf. Will get around to reading it one day :)